Categories: Diamond Studs

10 Amazing Facts About Diamonds

Diamonds are deeply ingrained in our culture; we see them everywhere. Yet, diamonds are such a part of our everyday life that most people rarely stop to think much about them. Want to learn a bit more about what make the diamond so unique and special? Here are 10 amazing facts about diamonds.

Diamonds Are the Hardest Substance On Earth

Did you know that diamonds are the hardest naturally occurring substance on earth? They’re not just the hardest gemstone, but also the hardest material across every category. Diamonds are so hard that only another diamond can scratch one!

“Diamond” Means “Invincible”

The word “diamond” is derived from the Greek word “adamas,” which means invincible or unconquerable, a very fitting name for this incredibly strong gemstone.

Many Diamonds Are Billions of Years Old

Many diamonds are more than a billion years old (yes, that’s billion with a “b”), with the oldest diamonds on record coming in at 3 billion years old. Most diamonds are this old because the majority of diamond formation took place billions of years ago. However, there are some diamonds that are newer, with the youngest being hundreds of millions of years old.

Diamonds Are Made of Pure Carbon

The diamond is made of only one element: carbon. Pure carbon can take many forms, including coal, graphite, and, of course, diamonds. So, how can pure carbon be so many different things? Carbon can change form depending on what it’s been exposed to. For example, carbon turns into diamonds when it is exposed to immense heat and pressure in the Earth’s mantle.

We Can Reach Diamonds Because of Volcanic Eruptions

Diamonds are formed in deep in the Earth’s mantle. But the Earth’s mantle is far too hot for excavation, so how do we reach diamonds? The answer might surprise you: it’s believed that the eruption of underground volcanos is what moves most diamonds higher into the Earth’s continental plate (where we can excavate).

Diamonds Can Form Due to Asteroid Impact

While most diamonds form over a long period in Earth’s crust, some form instantly. How? Through asteroid impact. When a large enough asteroid hits the Earth, it creates enough heat and pressure to form diamonds at the impact site.

Diamonds Were Once Thought to Be the “Tears of the Gods”

In ancient Rome and Greece, diamonds were highly regarded. Both of these cultures believed that diamonds were either tears cried by the gods or splinters of falling stars.

Cupid’s Arrows Were Tipped With Diamonds

One of the oldest records the association of love with diamonds is found in Roman mythology. According to ancient Roman texts, Cupid, the god of love, carried arrows that were tipped with diamonds.

The Largest Diamond Ever Found Was 3,106 Carats

Have you ever wondered how big the largest diamond is? The largest diamond ever found was called the Cullinan diamond, which weighed in at an astounding 3,106 carats. This raw diamond was eventually cut into nine large diamonds and a hundred smaller diamonds.

There Is a Planet Made of Diamonds (And a Star!)

The biggest diamond lovers might dream of visiting 55 Cancri e, a planet made of carbon that is one-third diamond. Or perhaps they might dream of visiting the star named Lucy (also known as V886 Centauri and BPM 37093), which is a white dwarf star that is essentially an enormous, 10 billion trillion trillion carat diamond.

There you have it. 10 absolutely amazing facts about diamonds and 10 reasons why we find them so important. Browse stunning diamond jewelry at


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